(602) 900-1876


View our step-by-step process to achieve your website goals

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1. Chat

We can chat by phone, email, or even in-person. This conversation is mainly focused on understanding the needs of your website and any special requests you may have. We want to get to know you and your business so we can create a website that best suits you and your needs.

2. Build

After we chat, we’ll determine the best way to build your website and will begin designing it. If you have chosen to have one of our copywriters create the content for your pages, they’ll be calling to interview you at this time.

3. Review

After we've designed the look of your website, we'll send you the design to approve or provide feedback for necessary revisions.

4. Launch

After you have approved the design and content of the site, we’ll activate it using the domain name you’ve purchased. The website is then completely yours, including all password access. Then, unless you have purchased our hosting option or maintenance service, you don’t pay any ongoing fees to Phoenix Web Designer. You are free to have your site hosted anywhere you’d like. But be aware that you must have your website hosted somewhere in order for it to appear on the internet, and there will always be some fee for this service.

Want to Learn More?

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Contact Us

Our Professionals Based in Phoenix, AZ offer options to fit your budget, from small to mid-sized websites. We even build e-commerce sites so you can sell your products online. A professional web developer is here to answer any questions you have and to get your website up and running in no time. We also offer graphic design services like logos or business cards if you need them. All of our services are priced right, affordable and fast. After all, every business has to start somewhere. We'll get you started on the right foot by making it painless and easy!


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